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Influence of Silicone Foam on Expansion Force of Lithium Battery Control Module

source: Foam Pageviews: time:Jun 06, 2022


Silicone foam has the characteristics of light weight, durable elasticity, good cushioning and fire retardant. Effectively solve the influence of battery expansion force.

Influence of Silicone Foam on Expansion Force of Lithium Battery Control Module

Silicone foam has the characteristics of light weight, and has the characteristics of enhanced sealing ability, durable elasticity, good cushioning and fire resistance of sponge rubber, which can reduce the maintenance cost caused by gasket failure caused by compression deformation and softening. Its compact structure and unique formulation provide enhanced sealing performance, and it can also be used in electronic components and transportation vehicles to provide shock and vibration isolation.
Silicone Foam
Lithium iron phosphate battery has expansion problems in the whole process of application. On the one hand, it is transformed into SEI film in the whole process, resulting in vapor, and the standard air pressure inside the battery is increased, and with the development of the circulation system, the thickness of the SEI film expands, and then Promote the deformation of the shell; on the other hand, during charging and discharging, Li slips off and the insertion of lamellar raw materials causes the change in the thickness of the negative pole piece, and the change caused by the lattice constant of the positive pole piece is small, and the harm is not great. .
The expansion force of the battery is not prominent in the short term, but appears slowly with the increase of the frequency of charge and discharge. Some studies have shown that the external diffusion characteristic impedance of Li increases with the increase of the working pressure, and a moderate working pressure is beneficial to reduce the specificity. The damage of lithium can alleviate the decay coefficient speed of the battery volume. With the increase of the working pressure of battery assembly, the service life of the battery circulation system will continue to increase, but after a certain working pressure is exceeded, the working pressure is increased again, and the service life of the battery circulation system will decrease.
In addition, the expansion force also involves stability and safety factor. Whether the structure of the battery pack can bear the expansion force of the battery will immediately endanger the application safety of the battery; Substances can reasonably reduce the expansion force of the battery. At this stage, there are relatively few scientific researches on the physical characteristics of the buffer substance itself to alleviate the harm of the expansion force. In this paper, the buffered silica gel foam is selected as the research object, and the influence of thickness and strength on the expansion force of the battery is scientifically studied. Contact us for details.